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推行本科生导师制符合高等教育的基本规律,是真正体现教书育人本质,引导学生成长成才、创新人才培养方式、创新学生教育与管理模式的重要举措。M校紧扣立德树人根本任务,聚焦全员、全过程、全方位育人的体制机制建设,通过推行“以宿舍为单元的本科生导师制”来构建新型师生关系,充分发挥教师在“思想教导、专业辅导、生活指导、心理疏导、学术引导”等多方面的作用,强化实践教学环节中的实践能力培养,不断满足学生个性化培养的需要;通过严把本科生导师选聘入口关,明确本科生导师的工作职责,规范本科生导师工作方式,建立健全本科生导师考核评价和激励约束机制来规范和保障本科生导师制的良性运行,促学生健康成长成才。  相似文献   
我国宪法赋予了公民用自己的民族语言文字参加诉讼的权利,目的在于实现民族平等、促进民族团结、禁止民族分裂、保护中华民族语言文化的多样性,进而提高我国的文化软实力。通过调查民族语言文字诉讼司法实务,发现当前存在着少数民族语言文字诉讼程序混乱、不符合诉讼原理等问题,不利于民族语言文字诉讼权利的实现。究其原因,在于该诉讼制度缺乏程序保障。为了确保民族语言文字诉讼权利的有效实现,应设立“民汉双语诉讼规则”,以为司法机关提供统一的操作规范。民汉双语诉讼规则应该明确民汉双语诉讼的概念、类型以及民族语言文字诉讼权利的内容,并且根据不同诉讼类型有针对性地设置审判语言与诉讼语言的适用规则。  相似文献   
高校学前教育专业实践教学在教师教育改革、学前教育改革以及师范类专业认证深入开展的时代背景下,面临实践教学培养目标不清晰、实践教学内容滞后于幼儿园实际、实践教学环节缺乏整合以及实践教学评价随意单一等问题,基于OBE“产出导向”理念,构建以培养学生保教实践能力为核心的实践教学目标体系、“三级循环式”内容体系和保障体系。在实施过程中,倡导理论教学与实践教学并行、加强校地深度合作和开展专业实践活动,以期促进学生保教实践能力的提升和学前教育专业实践教学效果的提高。  相似文献   
顶岗实习是学前教育专业综合性最强的实践教学环节,学前教育专业学生顶岗实习的满意度情况关乎顶岗实习工作的质量。本研究通过自编满意度调查问卷对湖南省五所高职院校参加学前教育顶岗实习学生进行调查,发现学生对顶岗实习总体满意度比较高,学生对公办园的满意度显著高于民办园,学生顶岗实习满意度会影响学生的从业意愿。  相似文献   

The value of interdisciplinary research is increasingly recognised by the research community. Funding bodies are nowadays specifically encouraging that research they fund is interdisciplinary in nature. However, what is often branded as interdisciplinary research is in fact a network of researchers working to deliver a research output. In this research note, we share our experience of what we think can be labelled “truly interdisciplinary”. We share some best practice tips for those who are interested to go through a similar metamorphosis as we did as a team, learning from each other’s ways of working. Overall, it has been a very positive experience and a revelation that has had a big impact on each author’s view on how to conduct research as an integrated multidisciplinary team, as it has shifted our mental models and broadened our thinking, capacity to reflect, and critical analysis. We hope that our research note clearly shows the benefits of truly interdisciplinary research and motivates other researchers to follow our pathway of transformation.  相似文献   
Internationally, research has highlighted disruption to the educational trajectories of young people in care, documenting concern about upheaval and poor educational outcomes. We present findings from English data arising from qualitative longitudinal research with care experienced people (16–32 years) who were also in education, employment or training. The analysis extends understanding of the experiences of those who achieve educational ‘success’, including those who followed non‐linear trajectories. The need for a flexible education system, and leaving care entitlements, which take into account the disruption experienced by young people in care and the consequent possibility of delayed educational pathways, is discussed.  相似文献   
土地承包经营权是一种有期限的新型物权,合理、恰当地设置其期限,可以稳定农民与土地的关系,进而稳定土地经营权使用者的未来土地收益,有利于规范农村土地流转市场秩序,稳定地实现农民的土地财产性收益。新通过的《农村土地承包法》修订草案对耕地承包期届满后作出“再延长三十年”的修订,需要警惕落入形式化的“长久不变”而掩盖风险,因此要反思“自动续期三十年”背后的原委及可能的调整。从农村土地承包关系及其期限设置的政策与法律变迁着手,论证了“长久不变”并不等于没有期限以及设置“每轮”的政策合理性,并阐述了实践中土地流转需要的差异性、变动性与土地承包经营权期限设置的不匹配困境,凸显法律“适当调整”的必要性。将“长久不变”由“土地关系”的调整转向“土地利益”的调整,土地利益协调由形式公平转向实质公平,这直接体现出“适当调整”以均衡土地利益关系来回应“长久不变”的实质性与精准性。最后,从确保我国农村土地承包关系实质“长久不变”的层面提出了“确保大稳定”“预期小调整”的优化路径。  相似文献   
中国宪法第41条中的“控告权”不等同于、但包含了“行政诉权”的内涵。宪法中的行政诉权具有两种属性:一是作为公权利的“监督权”,二是作为私权利的侵权后的“救济权”。前者是政治性权利,也是实体性权利,后者是非政治性权利,是典型的程序性权利。这意味着人们长期把行政诉权仅仅作为一种救济权或程序性权利有失偏颇。为了规范行政诉权行使的秩序,行政诉讼法对宪法中的行政诉权在内容上进行了缩限,并在权利的外在形式上体现出程序性特征,但这不意味着行政诉讼法中的行政诉权所继受的权力属性有所改变。  相似文献   
When developing Community Mental Health Services to support people with psychiatric disabilities, European countries are advocating evidence based practice (EBP ). Individual Placement and Support (IPS ) is an evidence based model designed to support people in acquiring and maintaining competitive employment. Implementation science is a growing research field, with a focus on components that impact the process of implementing EBP programmes. In this multiple case study, we have followed three IPS demonstration sites for two years, in order to describe and analyze barriers and facilitators for implementation, according to constructs described in the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (Damschroder et al. 2009 ). The results highlight the importance of strategic networking, as well as the need for planning and preparations carried out before the start of an EBP programme, since deficiencies related to these constructs are difficult to compensate for.   相似文献   
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